Food forest
Closely mimicking a natural forest ecosystem
Edible garden
Something to experience every day
A rich mixture of species and varieties
Trees and shrubs with crops or cattleAn enormous diversity
For each plant in your direct environment, there’s an analogue with similar form and function that also yields some edible product. Think not only about fruit and nuts, but also edible leafs, stems and stalks, tubers, bulbs, roots, flowers en seeds.
Due to the enormous diversity of (edible) plants on this planet, the possibilities are almost endless. This makes the creation of edible landscape, customised to the wishes and goals of all involved parties, an interesting and fun challenge that we eagerly accept.
Smart design, many functions
With cleverly designed edible landscape, not only do we produce food; we improve soil health, fix carbon and buffer water, both in times of lack and excess. Moreover, we boost biodiversity and create a beautiful, educational and inspiring place to experience and gather.
Natvise can give substance to every type of edible landscape, and create new ones if desired. To get a better picture of the possibilities, click on one of the four common types depicted above and read more.